College Dropout

Thursday, March 06, 2014

So, as part of my blog I thought I would involve little snippets of my life.
Basically I decided to drop out of sixth form/college.
I'm not saying this is a good thing to do at all or you should even consider it if you're not as miserable or as unhappy as I was. 
There are many reasons why I have decided to get out of education until September such as, I hated my sixth form so much and I felt like 
I was suffering. 
 I guess I was so unhappy being in that environment at school and unhappy with myself as an indiviual I had to get out of that situation.
YES, I may be venting it all out on my blog but that is one of the reasons why I started this in the first place.
My main decision for leaving sixth form had to do with me and my happiness. (Yes I've said happy a bunch of times. I LITERALLY COULDN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK) it was genuinely a difficult decision for me to leave education so close to my exams but it was the stress piling up on me. 
Also A Levels is all about enjoying the subjects you're studying and I genuinely hated one in particular.

I finally collapsed and broke down.

I couldn't confidently go forwards with my exams thinking that I was going to pass them confidently. 

The first person I told about me wanting to drop out was my aunt, usually the first person is the madre but I was literally 
shitting myself with the idea of actually telling her. 
In the end my aunt called her right before I was going to tell 
her and it literally took a whole lot of pressure off. 
Thankfully my mum was actually quite accepting of my decision 
despite calling me a fucking idiot a couple times. 
But she finally complied with the idea of me leaving and it 
being the best thing for me and nobody else. 

1. ALWAYS have a plan on what you're going to do instead
2. Take every opportunity you can! looks great on cvs and shit
3. Be productive.
4. Do the thing that make you happy.
5. Find a job! 

Yasmeen xo

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